Disclaimer. This is a not-for-profit unaffiliated project which aims to collate information for general public interest.
I apologise if there has been any inadvertent breach of copyright. If any oversights have been made, I would be happy to rectify them.
A Cricket Archive for Nidderdale & District  
                                                                 From the newspapers of the day
Barry Gill 2012
1811-1820 1831-1840

30 August
York Herald

6 September
Leeds Mercury
On Tuesday next, the 9th instant, a cricket match will be played opposite the Granby Hotel High Harrogate between 11 members of the Knaresborough Old Club and 11 of the Wetherby Club, only of two innings to commence precisely at 10 o'clock.

13 September
Leeds Mercury

Leeds Mercury

18 August
A cricket match was played at Ripon, yesterday week, betwixt the Wetherby and Ripon clubs when, after a well contested game, victory declared for the Wetherby club.

15 June
Bells Life

6 July
Bells Life

12 July
Leeds Mercury

30 August
York Herald

1 November
York Herald

8 November
York Herald

23 August
Bells Life

3 October
York Herald
Cricket:-  The long talked of match, between the to crack clubs in the North, Ripon and Knaresboro’, came off on Monday last upon the Knaresboro’ ground, as was anticipated with a DISPUTE, one of the Knaresboro’men after being given out by the umpires, refused to go out which of course terminated the game, at the commencement of the second innings no great advantage being obtained by either party Knaresboro’ being 6 notches ahead on the first innings and 3 wickets down, with 3 notches in the second innings. Knaresborough were put in the first. The ground was as bad as could be found in the neighbourhood.

More detail of this match was reported as below

11 October
Bells Life


29 August
Bells Life

September 18
York Herald

October 16
York Herald
Cricket playing at Ripon-A match at cricket, for two sovs, was played on the Ripon ground on Saturday last between Mr J D Gatenby and Mr Edward Hebden, and was won by the former. On Monday last match was also played for two sovs at the same place between Mr J D Gatenby and Mr Christopher Hebden, (brother to the above) and was won by Mr Gatenby in one innings and 15 runs.
