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A Cricket Archive for Nidderdale & District  
                                                                 From the newspapers of the day
Barry Gill 2012
1841-1850 1821-1830
August 24
Leeds Mercury
St Wilfred’s Feast
This is an annual feast, held at Ripon, for four or five days in the month of August, and this year it began on Saturday the 17th
To enliven the town on this Wilfred feast, a grand cricket match for 50 sovereigns was agreed to be played betwixt 11 of the Nottingham club, and 20 of the Ripon: this commenced on Monday, August 20 in a large field near the town. To pay the expenses of the match, etc the admittance was six pence each, and from £80-£90 was raised. The Nottingham club had £60 paid to them for expenses in coming to Ripon. Spacious booths were erected on the field for spectators, which were filled by the gay feasters of the town and neighbourhood: the weather was fine, and everyone was in great glee. The Nottingham club, on Monday, for the first innings, got 76 notches, and on Tuesday for their second got 51 a total of 127. The Ripon club for their first innings on Monday got 50 notches and on Tuesday evening, on commencing their second innings had 76 notches to get to win the game, they began and got 13 notches, with four wickets down, when a dispute arose just at the hour for ceasing to play, as to whether the man was in or out. It now being six o'clock, and the time appointed for giving over, the players &c went off the field, and the next forenoon (Wednesday) people went to see how this grand match would terminate: but after a long discussion in the field, the dispute of Tuesday evening could not be made up, which was a great disappointment to the admirers of the sport. We believe the matter is to be referred to Bell's Life in London for settlement.

18 August
Bells Life

6 September

18 October
York Herald

October 11
Bells Life

York Herald


6 October
Leeds Mercury

18 Oct
York Herald


21 July
Leeds Mercury

27 July
Leeds Mercury

22 August
York Herald

13 September
Bells Life

20 September
Bells Life

18 October
Bells Life

1 November
Bells Life  

5 November
Bells Life

29 November
Bells Life
