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A Cricket Archive for Nidderdale & District  
                                                                 From the newspapers of the day
Barry Gill 2013
Pre 1810

21 September
Leeds Mercury
CRICKET -   RIPON CLUB against the Ruff and ready parishioners of KIRBY-MALZEARD, 11 on each side. The greatest Number of Notches, in two Innings; at a Match played this Day, the gentlemen of the Ripon exhibited in their tall Dignity, White Waistcoats, with long Sleeves, Callico Pantaloons and Woollen Pumps bound with Morocco; accompanied by their Secretary, taking down the Particulars of the Game for Publication, but Pride will have a Fall, and the Game was won with Ease by the uncultivated lingcropers of Kirby Malzeard.
  In the evening, One of the Ripon Gentlemen talked largely, and proposed to play their Antagonists for 50£  a Side; but, this gentleman and his coadjutors are hereby informed, that Thos. Dickins, and William Holdsworth, Esqs. and Mr Ed Hebdin, Mr Wm Hebdin, Mr Martin Wood, and Mr Matthew Jackson, will back Kirby Parish against Ripon Club for 100 guineas a Side.
Studley, August 27, 1811


25 September
Leeds Mercury
On Friday the Ripon Cricket club won the return match, beating their Harewood antagonist by 94 notches. Having each one a game on their own ground, the rubber will be decided in a few days on Knavesmire.

The third game of cricket, between Sir B.R. Graham Bart. and the Harewood club, took place on Friday last, on Knavesmire, near York, but owing to the wetness of the day, only one innings was played, and on the day following the match was resumed, which terminated in favour of the Ripon club, by 13 notches


28 August
York Herald
We are informed, a great cricket match is to be played on Knavesmire, between Sir BR Graham's club, with Mr Treacher given and the York Gentlemen's club, for 500 aside on Friday next 3 September

11 September
Leeds Mercury
Cricket match - Yesterday week, a cricket match was played on the Knavesmire, near York, between the York and Ripon clubs. At the first innings the York club scored 30, and the Ripon 137 if; second innings the former scored 64 total 94 the Ripon club consequently won the match having scored 93 notches more in one innings in the York plug it into. The gentleman dined at the stand betwixt the innings. We are sorry to say that Mr WM Milner was, by an accident, prevented from playing the second innings.

18 September
York Herald
Cricket Match - On Monday, a cricket match was played at Harewood, by the Harewood and Ripon clubs. At the first innings the Harewood gentleman scored 113 and the Ripon 50. Second innings, the former scored 111, the latter 93; consequently the Harewood club was victorious having scored 81 notches more than the other. We understand another match was made betwixt the above, which would be decided at Ripon yesterday.

25 September
Leeds Mercury
On Friday the Ripon Cricket Club won the return match, beating their Harewood antagonists by 91 notches. Having each won a game on their own ground, the rubber will be decided in a few days on Knavesmire.

25 September
York Herald
The cricket match betwixt the Harewood and Ripon clubs was played at Ripon on Friday week as mentioned in our last. The Ripon club scored 91 notches more than the Harewood The conquering game, we understand, will therefore be played in about three weeks on Knavesmire.

4 October
Leeds Intelligencer
The third cricket match between the Ripon and the Harewood club, we hear, will be decided on Knavesmire, on Friday next.

9 October
York Herald
Yesterday the Gentlemen of Harewood & Ripon cricket clubs played one innings when the latter scored 15 notches more than the former. We believe they will finish the match this day.

11 October
Leeds Intelligencer
Cricket on Friday and Saturday the conquering game, between the Harewood and the Ripon clubs, was played on Knavesmire, and, after two well contested innings, one by the latter by 18 runs.

16 October
Leeds Mercury
The Third game at cricket between Sir B R Graham Bart and the Harewood Club took place on Friday last on Knavesmire near York, but owing to the wetness of the day only one innings was played and on the day following the match was resumed, which terminated in favour of the Ripon club by 13 notches.


21 May
York Herald
Cricket - On Monday last, and match at cricket was played by 11 of the Knaresborough club against 11 picked men from Whixley, Hammerton, the Ouseburn, and Nun Monkton: two of the best players in the Knaresborough club were unavoidably absent and the match was consequently won by the countrymen, after a well contested day’s play.

23 July
York Herald
We learn the Ripon cricket club, are desirous of receiving the challenge from any club in Yorkshire.

6 August
York Herald
Cricket Playing-An interesting and well played match at cricket took place on Scotton Moor near Knaresborough on Friday the 29th ult. Between 11 of the Knaresborough Cricket Club (the same who played the week Whixley , Hammerton and c). and a late member of the Knaresborough club assisted by 10 others of the same place, chiefly boys. The match was won by the latter with great ease.

6 August
A cricket match came off here last week between the Knaresborough Club and the Leeds Victorian Club. The Knaresborough men had first innings in which they scored 100. The Leeds men then went in and scored 33. It was deemed advisable to allow the Leeds men to have their second innings to rub off the remaining number of runs. They therefore resumed their sticks and scored 69 making the whole 102. The Knaresborough men then went in and scored 3 which decided the game in favour of the former by 9 wickets to go down. The playing on both sides was first rate, though the Knaresborough Club proved victorious in a grand style.

13 August
A cricket match was played at Otley on Monday, Tuesday last between the Knaresborough and Otley Cricket Clubs, which for closeness of control, display of tact and exertion of bone and muscle has seldom been equalled and perhaps never surpassed. The Knaresborough players in their first innings scored 59; Otley then went and scored 60. In the second innings Knaresborough scored 76. The Otley players then went in but with night coming in they were obliged to finish the match on the following day. After an admirable display on both sides, all that is considered excellent in cricket playing, the match terminated in favour of Knaresborough by the small number of 3 runs. The Knaresborough men on their return home on Tuesday evening were hailed by the excellent brass band of music and welcomed by a display of public feeling which must have been highly gratifying.

23 August
Leeds Intelligencer
A cricket match between the Boroughbridge & Hammerton Clubs was played on Wednesday last and was won by the former by 75 notches.

27 August
Leeds Mercury
Cricket Match:--A second match was decided on Tuesday the 23rd instant. In favour of the Boroughbridge club, who beat the Hammerton club by 73 notches.
First innings-     Boroughbridge, 97; Hammerton 35;
Second innings-Boroughbridge  47; Hammerton 32.
The first matches worth a one guinea a time each man: and in the first contest the Boroughbridge beat the Hammerton club nine wickets.

3 September
York Herald
We understand a cricket matche is to be played by the gentlemen of the Ripon club, Yorkshire and the Marylebone club. It is said the match will take place shortly, and that it will be played in Nottingham Meadows
Nottingham Gazette
26 September
Leeds Intelligencer
Cricket - Friday week, a match betwixt the players of Boroughbridge and those of Markington, Wycliffe, Thorpe   and Fountains was decided as follows:
Boroughbridge first-innings 84 second innings 51
Villagers first-innings 41 second innings 29

8 October
York Herald
Cricket Playing--We lately inserted an account of a cricket match, betwixt the Boroughbridge players, and those of Markington Wycliff, Thorpe, Fountains and see, in which the former proved superior. Two other matches have since been played by the same parties, with the same result, the latter of which took place on Saturday and Monday last on Ripon Common

8 October
The return match between the Knaresborough and Hovingham Clubs is expected to come off at the Knaresborough Cricket Club on Monday and Tuesday next when from the celebrity of the Hovingham players some first rate sport is expected.
Wickets pitched at 10-00.
15 October
On Monday and Tuesday last a cricket match was played at Knaresborough between the Knaresborough and Hovingham Cricket clubs. The Hovingham party took the bats and scored 56. The Knaresborough party then went in and scored 113 after which the Hovingham party followed and scored 32 the Knaresborough gents winning the match at one innings with 25 runs to spare.


10 June
York Herald
Cricket Playing—Two matches at cricket have been played between 11 of the Knaresborough club and 11 chosen players from Scotton, Scriven, Brearton, and Staveley; both of which were won by the former in the following manner:

First Match                           Second Match
Countrymen 1st innings   80    Countrymen 1st innings    44
 Ditto          2nd innings  40    Ditto          2nd innings      27
                                  120                                           71

Knaresbrough Club      60     Knaresbrough 2nd innings 70
Ditto, 2nd innings           85 Ditto 2nd innings                     2
                                 145                                            72
            Having 10 wickets to put down

23 September
Leeds Mercury
Cricket - We are sorry to announce to the amateurs of the noble game of cricket, that the public will be disappointed of their unexpected pleasure from the match which was in agitation between the Ripon and Nottingham Cricket Clubs, as we are assured from undoubted authority, that the latter, although the challengers, have, to the great disappointment of the former, and after much equivocation, evaded the match.


20 April
York Herald
Cricket----We understand a cricket match at single wicket, will be played on Friday, 3 May upon Ripon Common by a member of the Ripon cricket club alone against three of the Green Hammerton, they having a fielder, for 20 Guineas.

4 May
York Herald
Challenge at cricket
A paragraph having appeared in the York Herald, in September last, charging the members of the Nottingham Cricket Club with having, after much equivocation, evaded a match with the Ripon Club, and such being a misrepresentation, and in order to do away with any future misconceptions, the Nottingham club do challenge the Ripon club from 1 to 300 guineas aside, play or pay, to be resident players, within 10 miles of each place and are not or ever were members of the Marylebone club.

20 July
York Herald
Cricket match. On Monday last, the Ripon and Nottingham clubs met on Knavesmire, near this city, to contend for the past of victory, according to agreement. The match was made for 150 guineas aside, 12 players each and 20 Guineas were allowed the Nottingham club towards travelling expenses. At 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the members of the Ripon club went in and at three in the afternoon had gained 51 notches about which time the Nottingham players having succeeded in getting them out commenced their first and only innings: for having remained in till evening, they recommenced the game about 10 o'clock the following forenoon, and supported their ground till four in the afternoon, when after having gained 196 notches, they were obliged to give place to the Ripon club: who only remained until a little after five, having gained but 38 notches during this their second innings. The Nottingham club therefore had a majority of 107 notches, and were accordingly the proclaimed the victors. It is however but justice to remark, that the members of the Ripon club were extremely active as field men but the Nottingham club were far superior with the bat. The ground was in excellent condition and the weather being favourable on both days, several thousands of spectators when the feel. We understand the defeated party left York same evening, and most of the conquering heroes on the following morning.

23 July
Hull Packet
A great cricket match for 150 guineas aside between the Ripon and Nottingham clubs 12 men each was played on Monday and Tuesday last on Knavesmire near York. In consequence of the distance the Ripon allowed the Nottingham gentleman 20 Guineas towards their expenses. It will be seen by the following statement of the game that the latter won the match at one innings in grand style
Ripon 1st innings 52 Nottingham 1st innings 195
       2nd innings 38

The ground was in excellent condition and the weather on both days favourable a great number of spectators were present.

9 November
York Herald
In consequence of a challenge sent by the Bishop Monkton & Burton cricketers to the Knaresborough club, a match was made and decided on Rigg-Moor on Saturday & Monday last, in the following manner.

Monkton, Burton, & c 1St innings – 16 runs
   Do                          2nd do ---     67
                             Total                  83
Knaresborough, 1st innings             110

The Knaresborough club winning by 27 runs and one whole innings. From the improvement made by the club since they were beaten by the Markington and Ripon united, there is little doubt that they are the first cricket players in the County.


25 October
York Herald
Cricket match – We understand that a cricket match will be played on the Knavesmire next Monday betwixt the York & Knaresborough clubs, and much good playing from both parties is expected.

1 November
York Herald
Cricket Match The Match played on Knavesmire, on Monday and Tuesday, between the York and Knaresborough clubs, terminated in favour of the former by 27 notches.
York 1st innings   85           Knaresborough 1st-innings  75
        2nd innings  41                                    2nd innings 24
Runs to spare       27

After the second innings of the York club on Tuesday, the bets were 20 to 1 in favour of the Knaresborough players. From the unfavourable state of the weather, very little company attended.


26 September
York Herald
We understand that the match between the Leeds and the Knaresbro clubs, will be played at Harrogate on Monday next.
A cricket match was played yesterday week, at Boroughbridge between 11 of the Boroughbridge players against 11 of Stainley and Ripon
Boroughbridge       1st innings 49   2nd innings 45
Stainley and Ripon 1st innings 42   2nd innings 53
Three wickets to go down.
One of the players had his left eye nearly knocked out by the ball.

5 October
Leeds Intelligencer

Cricket match on Monday last, betwixt the Leeds and Knaresborough clubs.
Knaresboro -1st-innings 38; 2nd innings 32
Leeds 1st innings 49; 2nd innings 25
9 wickets to go down

19 October
Leeds Intelligencer
The return match betwixt the Boroughbridge club on the one side, and the Ripon and Stainley Clubs on the other, was played on the 25th day of September on Stainley cricket ground, and was won by the Boroughbridge players by one innings and 28 runs. Friday the 2nd day of October was appointed to play the third match on Ripon Cricket Ground: the Boroughbridge gentleman accordingly appeared on the ground by 10 o'clock, the time appointed when the other party declined the match and paid forfeit. – A Challenge has been given to the Leeds players by the Boroughbridge club, and has not been accepted.

26 October
Leeds Intelligencer
To the Editor of the Leeds intelligencer
Sir, observing a paragraph in the Intelligencer on last Monday, stating that the challenge has been given to the Leeds cricket players, by the Boroughbridge club, and has not been accepted if you can spare corner in your paper, you will oblige us by inserting, that we have received no challenge either direct or indirect from the Boroughbridge club; we will allow, that one of the players in the match lately played at Harrogate came forwards individually to say, with a little warmth, being rather chagrined at the decision of the game, that the Boroughbridge should play the same eleven of Leeds that had been playing, when he was told with candour which we hope will always mark the Leeds players whether successful or not, that we had no objections to meet the Boroughbridge, yet we could not think of being tied exactly to the same eleven then present, as sickness or many other things might occur, which we could not foresee: but we would pledge ourselves to bring non-except Eleven of the Leeds club to which no reasonable man could have objected.

We have good grounds to be alarmed that when we refer to the great feats of Boroughbridge have lately done yet we cannot submit to be trampled upon in public print by letting such a groundless assertion as the above go unnoticed. At the same time, we could wish it to be understood that any overtures that may be made to us will meet with due attention addressed the Leeds Cricket Club Star and Garter Inn Leeds.
Also in Leeds Mercury 24 Oct 1818

9 November
Leeds Intelligencer
The lovers of the noble game cricket may have rich treat this day at Wetherby, as we understand the boastful challenge of the Boroughbridge players has been accepted by the Leeds club and that THE GRAND contest for

14 November
Leeds Mercury
The grand and long pending cricket match between the Leeds and Boroughbridge clubs, was played last Monday at Wetherby, when the Boroughbridge men won the match by 14 notches.

16 November
Leeds Intelligencer
The cricket match between the Leeds club and Boroughbridge clubs was played last Monday at Wetherby, when the Boroughbridge men won the match by 14 notches.

19 December
York Gazette
A cricket match of two innings, between the Healey club, in the parish of Masham and the Colsterdale Club in the parish of East Witton, (being the new game of one pound and man) was decided on the 12th instant in favour of the former. The Healey men got 113 notches at one innings, 68 of them by George Wintersgill alone, who, by his superior science got more notches himself by one, than the 11 men of the Colsterdale Club got at two innings.


18 September
York Herald
On Monday and Tuesday last, a match at cricket for £22, was played by the Leeds and Boroughbridge gentleman, on Harrogate Common. Nearly 3000 persons were present. The game commenced about 10 o'clock on Monday and was not finished until the afternoon of Tuesday; when it was easily won by the former, the innings being as follows:
Leeds club, 1st innings 145 2nd innings 110 Total 255
Boroughbridge 1st innings 113 2nd innings 34. Total 147

We understand that there was another match made up for Friday, between the Harrogate and Boroughbridge clubs: and that the joint clubs at Tadcaster and Sir Wmkj89 Milner's declined playing the Leeds club.

20 September
Leeds Intelligencer
Cricket - early on Monday morning, crowds from the neighbouring towns, began to assemble at Harrogate, to see the Grand Cricket Match between the Leeds and Boroughbridge gentleman, which was won by the former by 106 notches. The amateurs of that noble game were highly gratified. In consequence of the numerous victories obtained by the Boroughbridge club, it was thought they could not be surpassed; but the science which was displayed by the Leeds club, in keeping the field, in particular, was declared truly astonishing, by those wise judges of the game.
Leeds club,      1st innings 145 2nd innings 110 Total 255
Boroughbridge 1st innings 113  2nd innings 34. Total 147

25 September
Leeds Mercury
Letter regarding a match between Leeds & Boroughbridge played at Harrogate.
Sir observing in the York Herald of such the last paragraph stating the termination of the game of cricket betwixt the Leeds and Boroughbridge clubs at Harrogate, on Monday and Tuesday preceding; and then, by a sort of boasting and by saying, that the join clubs of Tadcaster and Sir Wm Milner had declined playing the Leeds club: it is well that truth should always appear, and that falsity should be at all times exposed. And the fact is, that the Tadcaster and two men out of Sir Wm Milner's club met to play the Leeds club, about three weeks ago, on Bramham Moor, when the Leeds produced a player who had been excluded from playing by consent of both parties, at the time the match was made, and refused to play without him. This, of course, the Tadcaster club refused to admit, but declared themselves ready to play the match, according to the agreement made by one of the Leeds club, who had been deputed to Tadcaster for the express purpose.

However, Sir, to give the Leeds Club another opportunity of increasing that already great renown as players, the Tadcaster and so Sir Wm Milner's clubs hereby challenge 10 of the 11 players of the Leeds club were to have played on Bramham Moor, and also the mandate so handsomely wished to force into the game, at any time the Leeds club may appoint upon the Ings, Tadcaster, (being far superior to the Bramham Moor ground) for the stakes originally agreed on.
I remain Sir
Your obliged & c
A member of the Tadcaster Cricket Club
Tadcaster Sept. 23, 1890

25 September
Yorkshire Gazette.
A match at cricket for £22 was played at Harrogate between 11 players of Leeds and 11 of Boroughbridge which ended as follows
Leeds first-innings              145 second inning 110.
Boroughbridge first-innings 113 second innings 34.
Leeds total 255 Boroughbridge 147.
In favour of Leeds 108 notches.

A match of cricket was played at Harrogate on Friday week, between 11 players of Boroughbridge and 11 of Harrogate and Knaresborough which ended as follows.
Harrogate        75 and 78 total 153
Boroughbridge 89 and 65 total 154.
The Boroughbridge won having three wickets to fall.

2 October
Leeds Mercury/Yotk Herald
Further letter concerning match between Boroughbridge & Leeds.

9 October
Leeds Mercury
Further letter
